9 Reasons You Should Be Thankful For The Nintendo Switch

7. A Refreshing Take On Releasing Video Games

nintendo switch

It's entirely possible that the Switch's meagre launch lineup is literally all that's left after Nintendo burned the vast majority of their third-party relations with the Wii U. I mean it is just five games, and only one of which, anybody truly cares about (the new Zelda).

That said, when was the last time you bought a console and snatched up more than a couple of titles, anyway?

The N64's launch came with a laughable two games, but one of those was Super Mario 64, which went on to become one of the most fondly revered titles of all time. Why? Because alongside some revolutionary 3D technology, thanks to this element of scarcity it was put in front of far larger audiences than ever before.

By staggering their release calendar and dropping things like ARMS, Super Mario Odyssey, Snipperclips etc. a few weeks and months apart, it keeps consumers' eyes on release charts, keeps us hungry for that next game, and best of all, gives us time to play through the ones we already have.

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