9 Reasons You Should Be Thankful For The Nintendo Switch

8. Nintendo Will Actually Support Their 'Gimmicks'

nintendo switch

Unlike the PS VR - which continues to gather dust on many a shelf as it appears Sony have all but forgotten they released the damn thing - Nintendo dedicated huge chunks of time to making sure the world knew what 'HD Rumble' did, or how the new 3D space-tracking IR Sensor could be used.

Granted, that amounted to "try to guess how many ice cubes are in a glass/balls are in a box" and "Let's play rock, paper, scissors/eat a fake sandwich", but they're trying. They're at least trying to show the industry new ways to interact with digital experiences, rather than pushing something out the door and letting it slowly whither in the sunlight.

You don't have to champion the end result of these tech demos if you don't want to, but for sheer innovation in a sea of corporate copycatting or half-baked support of peripherals, their approach is a godsend.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.