9 Reasons You Should Be Thankful For The Nintendo Switch

5. A Return To Simplistic Old School Game Design

nintendo switch arms

Nobody makes games like Nintendo. Born from their lineage as a trading card manufacturer, they've always seen the inherent escapist entertainment value in crafting games as games. Not 'immersive cinematic experiences' or 'story-driven narratives', but real, honest, pure fun video games.

You need only look at the likes of ARMS - a title where you batter opponents from across the screen with extending limbs - to get the same vibe as the likes of Balloon Fight or Ice Climbers; games that had one solid mechanical premise, before enough of a 'world' was then built around them.

Not everything has to be a Last of Us or a whizzbang shooter campaign. Nintendo can deliver the other side to that coin, and chances are, the games you played as a kid were precisely these sorts of experiences.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.