9 Reasons You Should Be Thankful For The Nintendo Switch

4. A Palm-Sized Console Experience Is Just Freakin' COOL

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For as much as the Wii U was a retrospective failure on almost every level, from marketing to product recognition, video game library and units sold, there was something insanely neat about a lot of its dual-screen capabilities.

Being able to beam something like Wind Waker HD to your portable tablet while another family member or friend used the TV and you continued playing felt great, and that's before you realise you can operate all the system's core functionality from the Gamepad, too.

To that end, there's something insanely cool about having a 'home console experience' in the palm of your hand. With the Switch, that mentality extends outwards, removing the need for any data to be displayed on another screen whatsoever, and giving you a far larger games library encapsulating everything from Skyrim to Super Mario Kart.

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