9 Scariest Moments In Non-Horror Video Games

2. Sephiroth's Introduction - Final Fantasy VII

final fantasy 7
Square Enix

It might sound strange to those whose first introduction to the FF7 mythos was 2020's opulent remake, but the original Final Fantasy VII had more than a tinge of horror about its tonality.

Hulking imposing nuclear reactors came with a unique industrial-infused soundtrack, creating a feeling of genuine unease and fear as you attempted to sabotage one of Shinra's plants in the intro.

By the time you got to Shinra HQ and had seen first-hand some of their experiments, being broken out of prison by a mysterious figure leaving behind a trail of blood and bodies sets up the game's ultimate reveal.

None-other than the game's legendary antagonist Sephiroth was your mysterious benefactor, and his parting gift is murdering the Shinra President, and leaving his sword sticking out the guy's back.

Sadly, FF7 Remake ditched all of this stuff, and while its narrative pacing and general feel is far more in-line with how Final Fantasy VII "feels" as a franchise, its humble beginnings are still very powerful today.

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