9 Secret Ways To Defeat Final Bosses In ONE HIT

8. The Oneshot Trick Against Ender Dragon - Minecraft

final fantasy x jecht
Mojang & YouTube: Tolinn

Those who reach The End of Minecraft - literally, the final area in the game is called The End - will have to face off against the Ender Dragon, the largest mob in the entire game who won't go down lightly.

But last year, an enterprising speedrunner, Circuit Store, figured out a solution for cheesing the flying boss with just a single arrow.

The key here is that in Minecraft, the damage dealt by an arrow is determined by its velocity, and so it's possible to take advantage of this to deliver colossal damage to the Ender Dragon's hitbox - enough to kill it in a single hit, even.

The basics of the method? You need to throw an Ender Pearl - which allow you to teleport - to the top of one of the towers, then throw a second Ender Pearl across the island just before the teleport kicks in.

Once you're teleported to the top of the tower, throw another Ender Pearl up at the Ender Dragon and draw your bow.

As you're teleported to the dragon's core, fire your arrow into the hitbox, and because the dragon's defensive knockback effect will increase the arrow's velocity, and in turn its damage, it'll die in one shot.

And best of all? That Ender Pearl you threw across the island will now land, teleporting you to the ground in one piece.

Now as you can probably guess, this is far from an easy sequence of moves to pull off, but practise makes perfect, and those who persevere can take the Ender Dragon out with a mere arrow.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.