9 Secret Ways To Defeat Final Bosses In ONE HIT

7. Drag Sebastiano Di Ravello's Chopper Straight To Hell - Just Cause 3

final fantasy x jecht
Square Enix

Just Cause 3's final clash sees players take on tyrannical dictator General Sebastiano Di Ravello inside an active volcano.

Rather than fight you mano a mano, though, he hangs out inside his well-armed chopper, forcing you to slog through 10 minutes of firing away at this tediously spongey vessel until its life bar is finally depleted.

Or, in step with the game's own anarchic spirit, you can cut through all that nonsense and end the battle with a single move. When the battle starts, instead of wailing away on the helicopter, simply tether it to the ground with your grappling hook.

Absurd though it might sound, this will cause the chopper to be dragged out of the sky, hit the ground, and swiftly explode, killing Di Ravello instantly.

It's certainly preferable to what's otherwise a rather boring and frustrating boss battle, and given that the grappling hook is such a major part of the game, Square Enix certainly can't argue that folks aren't playing it as intended.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.