9 Secret Ways To Defeat Final Bosses In ONE HIT

5. Mow The Creator Down With A Bugged Saw - The Final Fantasy Legend

final fantasy x jecht
Square Enix

Square Enix's classic Game Boy title The Final Fantasy Legend concludes with players battling the villainous mastermind known as The Creator.

The fight can be a pain in the ass if you try to do it the "honest" way, and so you might be compelled to just deploy the hilarious Saw bug instead.

Basically, the Saw was designed to insta-kill enemies if their defense was greater than the player's strength, making it useful against regular foes and basically useless against powerful bosses.

However, somebody at Square screwed up big time during development, and this formula ended up getting flipped. As a result, the Saw doesn't do much against normal enemies, but bosses? It's great.

This is especially true of The Creator, as all you need to do is attack them with the Saw once and they'll perish, breaking into pieces without your party breaking a damn sweat.

For anyone feeling categorically outmatched, it sure was a welcome lifeline to see the game through to the very end.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.