9 Secret Ways To Defeat Final Bosses In ONE HIT

4. Let Reaver Shoot Lucien - Fable II

final fantasy x jecht

Much as fans understandably complain about Fable II's final boss battle against Lord Lucien being an outrageous anti-climax, there's actually not one but two ways you can end them in a single hit.

This can only scarcely be called a boss fight, really, as it's largely comprised of Lucien doing a Bond villain monologue before you're prompted to use your music box to interrupt his ritual.

Doing so leaves him exposed to you, at which point you can simply pull your gun out and shoot him dead. The End.

But there's another, secret way to kill Lucien, and one which allows another character to score the winning strike.

After using the magic box, you're free to simply listen to Lucien angrily blather on for a while, and if you wait long enough, Reaver will pull out his own gun and shoot Lucien dead on the spot, before making a crack about how you took too long to finish the job.

While on one hand it's easy to add this to Peter Molyneux's list of under-deliverings as a games developer, on the other it's pretty damn hilarious that you can kill Lucien with an hilariously meagre amount of effort.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.