9 Secret Ways To Defeat Final Bosses In ONE HIT

3. Use A Warp Staff To Kill Medeus - Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon

final fantasy x jecht
Intelligent Systems & YouTube: Jimmy FE

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon's final boss is Medeus aka the titular Shadow Dragon, and tricky though he might look, he doesn't have to be with a little thoughtful chicanery.

Simply, you just need to make sure to use a warp staff to warp a strong party member to Medeus' position and then have them deliver a devastating critical attack.

A common tactic is to warp Tiki there and have her use the Divinestone, which in turn transforms her into a huge, massively powerful dragon. This will then allow her to rinse all of Medeus' HP in a single hit under the right circumstances.

The outcome will certainly depend on the strength of your build and a little luck regarding critical hits, but it's nothing if not a novel way to punk the Big Bad in basically record time.

Is it cheesy? Sure, but it's so deliciously simple that it becomes near-impossible to resist.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.