9 Most Shocking Betrayals In Gaming History

2. Atlas Turns Your World Upside Down

Atlas' betrayal begins before you even realise it. In fact, the first words that come out of his mouth are part of his calculated plan to screw you over. As you progress through the underwater dystopia of Rapture, you truly begin to believe that this guy is on your side. And why wouldn't you? He seemingly helps you get out of jams, tells you the right places to go, and he's even got an innocent wife and child. It's not hard to walk through Rapture your first time and think, "Man, that Atlas is a swell guy." But you'd be very wrong, as your arrival was preordained. Once you reach the office of Andrew Ryan, you discover that Atlas' nice guy routine, and even the catchphrase you didn't even know he had, were all part of his plan. "Would you kindly" was just a post-hypnotic phrase he used to manipulate you into doing his bidding. At the time, it was one of the most talked-about video game reveals, and remains to this day a powerful moment for anyone who has been lucky enough to avoid reading the truth (until now of course - Ed.). Like most of the villains on this list, Atlas gets just what he deserves for his treachery in the end.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.