9 Things No One Wants To Admit About Marvel's Spider-Man

5. Many Suit Powers Feel VERY Similar, And Web Blossom Is All You Need

Spider Man raft

Onto the upgrade system, which despite being talked about as a way for players to "make their own Spider-suit", boils down to choosing a suit power and three additional mods.

For the former, by far the best power to stick to is Web Blossom: a tornado of web blasts that can wipe out an entire platoon of enemies in one go. Whilst you can unlock everything from a Spider-Bro drone to the Iron Spider's additional limbs, you'll routinely find yourself coming back to Web Blossom, because its utility is just hands-down better than the competition.

Also, factor in that the majority of the suit powers are damage reductions or damage boosts, and besides a few highlights (one being the ability to quip on command, or the Spider-Punk guitar chug), you're not given any incentive to actually play with each new power you acquire.

Any scenario where after completion, you were left thinking "I wonder how that would've gone if I was equipped with X?" would've gone a long way.

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