9 Things NO Video Game Can Get Right

8. You NEVER Know If You Can Pause A Cutscene

God Of War

Why is this still a thing?!

In the year of our Lord, 2020 - the year of Cyberpunk 2020 and months after freakin' Blade Runner was set - we still can't pause a cutscene without worrying it might skip instead.

At this stage it's going to need a public service announcement at the next major console reveal event. A real "And going forward, we pledge to ensure that hitting this button, will ALWAYS pause a cutscene, rather than skip it." Cue rapturous applause from all of us who accidentally skipped during a pivotal plot point, as gameplay resumed on your former best friend now lying dead on the floor.

If only the Universal Cutscene Skipper existed, all that pain could have been avoided.

Oh, and while I'm on, lay off with flashing up giant icons in the corner of the screen saying "SKIP".

It devalues the cutscene itself, and makes the player think they're supposed to jump to gameplay.

Cool? Cool.

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