9 Things The Sims 4 Has Ruined

3. Emotions

The Sims 4 sadness

Emotions were a new feature extremely hyped up in the marketing for the Sims 4, in how it would wildly change how your Sim behaves in any one given moment.

Except it doesn't. The difference between using the toilet and taking an 'Angry Poop' are pretty minimal, and even when they do have extreme emotions they often only last around five minutes. There are plenty of mods around to fix the way sims react to certain events, but The Sims team have only just come around to this with the new Sentiments features. Sentiments act a lot like Memories, coming in the latest free update in which Sims actually remember interactions they've previously had, be it a cheating partner or another Sim saving them from death.

It's insane that it took seven years for The Sims to give us a memory system, and even now we're only just figuring out what it does and if it will match up to the previous memory systems.

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The Sims 4
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Megan Robb has a lot of opinions on a lot of stuff, but feels deeply uncomfortable referring to herself in the third person.