9 Times Gaming Was Too Real

7. That "Tunnel Vision" Effect From Rhythm Games

Rock Band 4

There was a time when the plastic instrument was king, and after Guitar Hero dropped on western shores and unleashed our inner rockstar, it kicked off a whole plastic instrument arms race.

Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Band Hero, Rocksmith, Power Gig: Rise of the Six String - these things were everywhere for the close of the 2000s, and we lapped them up.

Only, actually devoting any meaningful chunk of time to staring at a series of markers moving up the screen resulted in a specific type of visual "hangover" - that of looking away, only to see life itself turn into the opening Star Wars crawl, like the notes on each highway.

Maybe this happened to you. Maybe it didn't. To me and my friends, this "Guitar Hero fatigue" was very real, and symbolised the precise time you'd been living the plastic stage life just that little bit too long.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.