9 Trick Video Game Items You Must AVOID

1. Mimics - Dark Souls

dark souls mimic
From Software

The first time you encounter a Mimic in Dark Souls, it'll stay with you.

Not for the immediate shock of "What the hell's happening, this isn't the chest opening sequence", but for just how much FromSoftware animated what follows.

Mimics in Dark Souls are infinitely more brutal, gory and terrifying than any other version in any other game. Their teeth are like javelins, gobbling up half your character's body in one go, and proceeding to chomp your entire life bar in seconds.

If you manage to get away immediately, the sheer size of these things with their gangly limbs and protruding tongue now sprinting after you is straight-up nightmare fuel.

Now, it IS possible to survive a Mimic if you have enough health, but unless you know what you're looking for, they were designed to surprise and kill you in any area not filled with enemies. FromSoftware WANT people to be life-scarred by Dark Souls Mimics, and their tells are super hard to spot.

For future reference, always look at the small chain on the side. If it's coiled, you're okay, but if it's straight, hit that thing with everything you've got.


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