9 Trick Video Game Items You Must AVOID

2. The Fear's Camouflage - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

metal gear solid 3 snake eater

Go back to Metal Gear Solid 3 today and it's kinda the point where Hideo Kojima TRULY stopped caring. Yes, MGS 2 had water-walking vampires and backflipping mechs, but MGS 3 just hits you with a man made of hornets, another who can dislocate his entire skeleton, one who can photosynthesise and another who's literally a flying fire demon.

Back to the flailing limbs of The Fear though, as during the fight if you get tagged with his custom "spider venom" arrows, you'll lose stamina faster than at the regular rate.

This might propel you to take him down in as lethal a manner as possible, but knock him out instead and you'll get the "Spider" camo.

Offering one of the best camouflage indexes in the game across all types of terrain, the trick - and lasting "Lol, FU!" of The Fear, is that wearing this camouflage replicates the stamina depletion of his arrowheads.

It's easy to miss, and as running out of stamina means burning through your allotment of snacks - or being kicked back to jail if you pass out during the next fight against The End - it's best to avoid this altogether.

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