9 Unannounced 2018 Video Games You Need To Know About

6. Rocksteady's Next Project

Superman game

For the longest time we've seen teases and tidbits of information in regards to what Rocksteady are working on. Everything from Daredevil to Superman has either been discussed amongst fans, wished for, or teased in-game (the latter in reference to the many dialogue excerpts that confirm Superman is active inside the Arkham universe).

However, all the discussion in the world pales in comparison to a tweet from the studio themselves - one which has confirmed the team are undergoing sessions of motion-capture.

This means cutscenes and animations are being rendered, and though we have no idea as to which game they'll be attached to, you have to imagine it'll be in a similar vein to the Arkham titles, in terms of rhythmic, third-person combat.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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