9 Unannounced 2018 Video Games You Need To Know About

2. Titanfall 3

titanfall 2

Back in November 2017, EA - despite already being in charge of publishing for the game - snapped up Respawn Studios, to have greater control over their output. As such, it confirmed that Titanfall 3 would definitely happen after Respawn's boss and various employees had repeatedly stated that they were "committed" to doing another sequel.

And that's a damn good thing, because Titanfall 2 was almost the best game of 2016, also being one of the best shooters of the decade and console generation so far. With EA's acquisition come fears of blind/loot box systems being forced into the game's design, but at the very least - providing they don't leave - we've still got the talented teams over at Respawn helming the feel of combat.

It also means that EA don't decide to release the next Titanfall slap-bang in the middle of Call of Duty and Battlefield as their way of "competing" with Call of Duty's futuristic focus. That release model killed TF2, and the franchise deserves better.

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Gaming Editor

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