9 Unreleased Video Game Endings Fans DEMAND To See

5. Twisted Metal - The Live Action Endings

soul reaver 2

Now for something completely different, Sony’s vehicular combat cult hit Twisted Metal, had a bunch of live action endings that didn’t make it into the game because allegedly the company who filmed them was okay with the gory violence bits but not ok with the women in bikinis bits. Said endings would show what happened when each character finally met with Calypso and had their wish granted having bested their rivals. 

They were later accessible if you managed to beat all the levels in an unreleased Twisted Metal title housed in the Head On Extra Twisted Edition of the original.

Since the live action versions were vetoed at the eleventh hour, they were replaced with a simple scrolling text explaining what happened to your character after their win. Which is way less fun. The live action endings are just as bizarre and wild as the characters at their core and for it’s a damn shame they didn’t make it into the game in the first place. 

Expect a lot of shooting and a lot of deeply campy dialogue. It’s glorious. 

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