9 Unreleased Video Game Endings Fans DEMAND To See
1. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - Ending On A Win

To put it plainly, the iconic action adventure Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver has a bummer of an ending. Despite taking you on a romp through Nosgoth in the spooky shoes of the wraith slash vampire, Raziel, in a quest to take out your boss, the titular Kain. Said quest has been thrust upon you by The Elder God who is the one that resurrected you so you kind of have to do it. Without getting overly bogged down, you kill a lot of tough bosses, absorb a bunch of souls, and eventually rock up at the Oracle’s Cave.
This is the very place where a magical time machine called the Chronoplast was hidden by Moebius the Time Streamer. I really hope you played this game otherwise that’s going to be a tough one to digest.
Anyway, in the end you get your big Kain face-off in the control room of that time machine but it eventually activates at which point Kain cackles and escapes into a time portal. You then follow even though the Elder God said not to do that. Queue a surprise meeting with Moebius who pontificates on the nature of time and that’s the ball game. While the next game picks up where this cliffhanger leaves off, the original plan was to have you kill off Kain but as is the case with many of these games, things had to be left on the cutting room floor to meet deadlines.
That ending was really close to happening, though, they even recorded the voicework. But, ultimately, that wiley little bugger got away.