9 Unreleased Video Game Endings Fans DEMAND To See
2. Mass Effect 3 - An Epic Meeting

Now for a topic you’ve never heard about before, Mass Effect 3’s endings. But not the endings you know and probably hate, the endings you didn’t get to see.
Like Halo 2 and plenty of other games, Mass Effect 3 went through the ringer when it came to choosing a narrative concept to execute. Clearly they chose the wrong one but as time goes on and BioWare employees move on to other pastures, we’re hearing more of those who worked on the game weigh in on what could have been. The plan was for Shepard’s final encounter to be with the Queen of the Reapers who was held captive by her people and explained the Reaper’s cycle plan would no longer work. Shepard would then need to choose whether to make the Citadel and Reapers go boom, kill off the Queen and take her place as Captain AI, or connect with the gal to make all life part AI, part organic.
Or in other words; destroy, control, or synthesise. That old chestnut.
Back in 2012, the original lead writer Drew Karpyshyn said he wanted to reveal the Reaper’s origins which are far less sinister in nature, enacting the avoidance of an extinction event due to the impending heat death of the universe. This was interwoven with some Dark Energy complications contributing to the collapse of the universe and what appeared to be an ultimate choice to sacrifice humanity and trust the Reapers to figure out the details, or decide you’ll work it out yourself. Somehow.
Dealer’s choice on whether you’d like either of these more but we’d absolutely love to see them.