9 Unusual Ways To Restore Health In Gaming

4. Friendly Encouragement - Gears Of War

When you've been shot multiple times in the face by alien baddies, it's always good to have a buddy around, or so you might think. The concept of having a friend revive you is not a groundbreaking one, stemming from games where party management is an integral part of gameplay, like most J-RPGS, for example. In that kind of setting, resurrection via a helpful friend makes a lot of sense, particularly if the character is versed in healing magic or skills, or has an item that does the same. Shoot-em-ups have taken this concept a bit further in team-based shooters, wherein your teammates or squad can revive you and help you back to your feet, like in Gears of War. This doesn't actually make any sense, though. If someone's been knocked down in a firefight, some friendly encouragement from someone who knows little to nothing about medicine isn't going to help in the slightest. Again, this is use of artistic licence in work, most of the time designers will choose mechanics over logic, but this doesn't change the fact that a pat on the back won't help your mate with the 10-inch hole in his chest.
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Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.