9 Unusual Ways To Restore Health In Gaming

3. Coins - Super Mario 64

In Mario's first 3D adventure, the primary method of healing the Italian plumber was through the collection of coins which would refill his health a fixed amount, depending on whether it was gold, red or blue. Coins don't typically have any medicinal qualities and there's no reason stated in the game as to why this heals Mario. As interesting as it would be, I doubt this is a pro-capitalist statement about the value of money, it seems more like a design element that simply wasn't well thought-out. Coins are necessary to the star hunt and are all over the levels due to the hidden stars, meaning it was just convenient to give them healing properties instead of inventing another item to fit the same purpose. It's worth noting that this problem never arose in Mario games before as the mushroom and flower system served as Mario's health, but neither item appeared in Super Mario 64. Perhaps we're seeing a new side to the plumber and he just really love his money, or perhaps he's paying for medical insurance with that fat sack of gold.
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Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.