9 Unusual Ways To Restore Health In Gaming

2. Wall Chicken - Castlevania

Humans need nourishment - whether it's carbohydrate, sugar, fat or protein, food gives us the energy to recover, rebuild and sustain ourselves. Food was the go to form of health rejuvenation in the early days of gaming and it's still frequently used in a few games. While food is a reasonable concept in terms of it giving the energy to recover in a logical sense, the exact form and freshness of the food is also a factor worth questioning. In the Castlevania series before the advent of the healing potion, one method of restoring health was to crack open a section of wall in hopes of finding a secret chicken. Perhaps it's an ancient custom or tradition to store nutritious meals in the masonry, or perhaps the Dracula residence is in dire need of a pantry. Perhaps Simon Belmont should have brought a packed lunch. There's another logic knot here in the form of the chicken itself, assuming Dracula and his minions feed on the living and not on KFC. Unless you've a bowel of steel, it might be a good dietary choice to stay away from decrepit poultry.
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Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.