9 Upcoming Video Games Destined To Be The Sleeper Hits Of 2016

6. Cuphead

2016 sleeper hits
Studio MDHR

We haven't had a breakout indie hit so far this year. Sure, while the likes of Firewatch and The Witness tried their best, nothing has jumped out and demanded to be played in the same way that Gone Home or Papers, Please did in years gone by.

However, that's all going to change once the 50s-inspired side-scroller Cuphead releases later this year. With one of the most visually distinctive styles of any game in recent memory, this Xbox One exclusive might just be better than any of the other first-party titles Microsoft has coming to its console in 2016.

Hell, if its gameplay is as interesting as its design then Cuphead has the potential to be one of the defining games of the year. We've had plenty of retro indie games hitting consoles and PC over the past few years, yet none have really tackled a medium outside of video games. As a result, Cuphead's beautiful interpretation of a 1950s cartoon could inspire countless imitators in the coming years. And if they're all as beautiful as this, that's not necessarily a bad thing.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3