9 Upcoming Video Games Destined To Be The Sleeper Hits Of 2016

5. Outlast 2

2016 sleeper hits
Red Barrels

The original Outlast is one of the best - if not the best - horror game you can currently find on next-gen consoles. Taking inspiration from the found-footage genre and classic haunted house movies, the indie game came out of nowhere and scared the living daylights out of anyone who played it.

However, the title was so effective because the core gameplay was so simple. Although the majority of content was similar to others in the genre (in that there's a lot of running away, hiding, and looking for puzzle items) the fact that you did it all while looking through the lens of a video camera racked up the tension considerably.

Having to manage the batteries of your camera so you didn't run out of 'night-vision' (which was often essential to safely traverse the majority of the game's dimly-lit areas) added an extra gameplay element that constantly had you micro-managing and keeping an eye on your sparse resources.

Although the initial release was rather low-key, when the game hit PlayStation's free PS Plus lineup a few years ago, thousands of people were able to enjoy Outlast's truly terrifying gameplay. As a result, anticipation is already high for a sequel among fans of the horror genre, and if this title improves upon the original, then we could be looking at one of the most successful breakout horror franchises of the 2010s.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3