9 Very Possible Gaming News Headlines From 2025

5. Grand Theft Auto 6 Can't Top GTA V's Sales

Gta 6

Amassing 140 million units to become the highest-selling entertainment product ever, there's no way GTA 6 tops that momentum. Even looking back across the entire GTA franchise, V has sold more than every other instalment combined, and five-times that of GTA IV.

We're talking about a game that's remained in the top 10 most-selling video games since its day of launch. The remaster for PS4 and Xbox One helped maintain momentum, but GTA V has sold consistently for 8 years solid, at this stage being a Minecraft-like entity all to itself.

The main reason for its tail-end appeal comes from GTA Online - something Rockstar will either eventually release as a free-to-play access point, or otherwise not advertise as part of a "bundle" going forward.

This largely relates to how Rockstar work as a company in the new era. Either they re-commit to single player titles and separate GTA Online as its own thing, or they keep it as part of GTA 6 and force everybody to pay a higher entrance fee.

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Hideo Kojima
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