9 Very Possible Gaming News Headlines From 2025

4. A Traditional Splinter Cell FINALLY Releases

splinter cell chaos theory

Here's a question: What the hell happened to the stealth genre??

Following Metal Gear Solid, Splinter Cell and Hitman exploding in popularity across the 2000s, the 2010s resigned the vast majority of stealthy gameplay to a set of mechanics like "hiding in the tall grass" or "marking targets from afar".

As such, though we got MGS V and the unbelievably stellar rebooted Hitman trilogy, Splinter Cell hasn't had a look in since 2013.

The reason was Ubisoft trying various ways to up the action factor and compete with other third-person shooters - much to the dismay of fans, who swore off this Michael Ironside-devoid release, despite it actually being one of the best in the series.

Still, come 2025 and after Ubi have revived the Splinter Cell name through a Netflix animation and various guest spots across their other IPs, it will be time for Splinter Cell to come back in full.

If EA can give us a Mirror's Edge sequel and Alan Wake can get remastered, Ubisoft can do a proper Splinter Cell.


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Hideo Kojima
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