9 Video Game Enemies That Help You Defeat Them

7. Hades - God Of War III

Hades thumbnail

Ironic justice happens several times in the God of War series, but the most satisfying comes when fighting against Hades. The God of the Underworld is understandably quite cross with Kratos, who breaks into his palace after having killed his niece, brother, and wife, and immediately initiates an intense battle between the two deities.

Hades declares “Your soul is mine!” and he uses his Claws of Hades to attempt to steal Kratos’ soul, but this fails. After a fierce battle, Kratos manages to gain the upper hand and steals the Claws of Hades from his dying uncle. Hades bursts out of the river, bigger and badder than ever. You will use Hades’ own weapons to rip out his soul, killing the God of the Underworld once and for all. Nice try, Hades.

Also in God of War III, you can steal Hercules’ cestus and use it to cave his skull in, as well as killing a giant scorpion by impaling it on its own stinger. Kratos always has had a brutal knack for using his enemies using their own weapons.

In God of War II, Theseus can be stabbed through the guts with his own spear, and have his head smashed in with the very door that he was guarding from Kratos and Alrik, the Barbarian King, is crushed with his own hammer.

Not to mention the fantastic helping hand that Ares gave us in killing him - by literally making Kratos the great spartan warrior that he is!

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God of War
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Video Editor and recent addition to the madness of the Gaming team, when she's not chatting about games, thinking about games, or playing games, she's streaming them on twitch. Tweet her pictures of dogs @DontRachQuit