9 Video Game Moments Of 2018 That Gave You Chills

1. The Blades Of Chaos - God Of War

God Of War Blades Of Chaos
SIE Santa Monica Studio

There simply wasn't a more jaw-dropping or crowd-pleasing video game moment this past year than Kratos retrieving his signature weapons, The Blades of Chaos, late into this masterful retooling of the God of War franchise.

After his son Atreus falls ill, Kratos learns that he needs to head to Helheim in order to revive him, but with his ice-based Leviathan Axe proving useless there, Kratos returns home and retrieves the Blades from a hiding place.

Everything about this sequence is brilliantly spine-tingling: Bear McCreary's haunting score, Athena taunting Kratos, and most of all, getting to wail away on a fleet of goons as soon as you regain control (and unlock the "Hello, Old Friend" trophy in the process).

This wasn't lazy fan service: this was a stunning re-contextualisation of what the iconic weapons mean, and boy, it sure was a blast to be reacquainted with them again. 10/10 moments don't come along often in gaming, but this was undeniably one of them.

Which incredible video game moments gave you goosebumps in 2018? Shout them out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.