9 Video Game Moments Of 2018 That Gave You Chills

2. Beating Chapter 7's C-Side - Celeste

Celeste C Side Chapter 7
Matt Makes Games

Considering how mind-bogglingly difficult even just the core levels of this gorgeous retro platformer are, only masochists need bother with the additional challenge of the B-Sides and especially those damn C-Sides.

While the C-Sides are mercifully short, they compensate for their brevity with sheer, thumb-destroyingly brutal difficulty, and arguably nothing in the game proves quite as tough as the Chapter 7 C-Side.

Accepted by most Celeste fans to be the most punishing level in the entire game, C-7 is an exercise in player self-flagellation which can easily see you dying hundreds of times while squandering several hours of your life (and the sheer stress just might shave a few years off, to be honest).

What seems to trip most players up is the stamina-assaulting final segment, which requires a near-superhuman level of dexterity and awareness of the game's traversal systems. When (or if) you finally beat it, though? It's better than sex.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.