9 Video Game Moments Of 2018 That Gave You Chills

4. The Final Boss - Astro Bot Rescue Mission

Astro Bot Rescue Mission Final Boss
SIE Japan Studio

No, your eyes don't deceive you: that is a giant alien monster holding a PS4 controller.

Astro Bot Rescue Mission instantly cemented itself as both an all-timer PSVR game and one of 2018's most pleasantly surprising hits.

The creative platforming, cute titular character and gorgeous graphics combined to make it a joy to behold at all times, yet never more than during its barmy final boss fight.

The colossal VR headset-wearing extraterrestrial spends most of the fight using a PS4 controller to blast you off the stage with water, fire rockets at you and hurl razor-sharp throwing stars at your face. If all else fails, it just tries to bash you to death with the DualShock 4.

While none of the boss fights in the game dare to be difficult, this insane finale does at least dial things up somewhat, and having Astro Bot literally battle against an antagonist resembling the player is an inspired touch.

Plus, post-fight you get to see Astro Bot reunited with the rest of his crew, which is almost unbearably adorable.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.