9 Video Game Moments Of 2018 That Gave You Chills

3. Aunt May Dies - Spider-Man

Spider Man PS4 Aunt May Dead

After Spider-Man defeats Doctor Octopus in the PS4 exclusive's final boss fight, he retrieves the antidote to the bioweapon known as the Devil's Breath, which has been unleashed upon New York City.

At this point Peter is forced to make a crushing choice: use the antidote once to save a near-death Aunt May, or allow it to be used as a blueprint for manufacturing a city-wide cure.

A conflicted Peter talks to May, who reveals that she's known about his superhero alter-ego for some time and couldn't be prouder.

After deliberating for a moment, Peter does the only thing a hero can do and allows the cure to be used for the greater good, just as May passes away.

The game as a whole may have had its issues, but the top-notch story delivered an absolutely heart-wrenching payoff, and it's a huge testament to Yuri Lowenthal's searing performance in particular that it works so well.

Admit it, you cried.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.