9 Video Game Pre-Orders That Broke Everything

5. The Fox Blade - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

metal gear rising revengeance

2013 action game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance changed up the Metal Gear formula in a way most people found to be pretty refreshing, but for the people who bought the GameStop pre-order, things were about to get a whole lot easier. The retailer offered up the Gray Fox skin which is pretty snazzy, and a 24-page art book which is great if you like that kind of thing, but the game breaking thing was the Fox blade. This weapon has the same stats as the HF blade but it ignores armour. Its single special upgrade increases the chance of ignoring armour to 100%.

In short, once upgraded this thing slices and dices like nothing else. It’s very cool for a few combat engagements until you realise the difficulty curve of the game has been completely flattened.

If you love using OP weapons, you’ll have no problem at all with this one but if you wanted to play the game as intended this isn’t the weapon to equip. Unless you want to play on a higher difficulty, you’re looking at one-hit-kills as far as the eye can see. It could be argued this is designed to break the game as it’s more about having fun with than playing the game as intended, but we can definitely put this one into the considerably OP category either way.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.