9 Video Game Secrets Hidden In New Game Plus

1. The Endings - Nier Automata

Nier automata
Platinum Games

There was just no way we were going to get out of this list and not include the reigning king of all New Game Plus modes, Nier Automata. There’s an argument to be made that the New Game Plus modes of Automata are so integral to the story that you can’t separate them, and to not experience them is to not experience the full game at all.

But given they’re that important you can see why we’ve given it the number one spot here.

Each new level of New Game Plus unfolds more of the game’s fascinating story, satisfyingly weaving everything you’ve learned together into a seriously moving tale you’d be remiss to avoid. The second playthrough puts you in the shoes of a brand new character experiencing many of the same events, while the third delivers entirely new content that you’ll experience as a new android, A2. There are so many branching routes that this game keeps a hold of you through multiple runs, even when content does repeat, and with 26 endings to experience to call the New Game Plus modes thorough would be an understatement.

Almost every secret you’re going to want to know from Nier: Automata is found in subsequent runs so do yourself a favour and don’t skip them.


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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.