9 Video Game Sequels That Tore Fanbases In Half

6. The Last Of Us Part II

Last of us 2
Naughty Dog

After a six year development period that saw one of the most hyper-detailed games of all time finally release, The Last of Us 2 had arguably the most passionate and divisive response to a game this generation.

On one side you've got the haters; those who couldn't get on board with how the story pushes former main character Joel into the background. Newcomer Abby getting just as much screentime as Ellie is still seen as a contentious issue even by those who think positively of the game overall, and post-credits, you are left with something that's very much "a game of two halves".

On the positive side, it's understanding all those emotions were intentional. You're supposed to be dismayed and longing for Joel; supposed to be uncomfortable as you're forced into someone else's shoes.

Therein lies the biggest risk in Naughty Dog's career so far, and you'll only know where you truly stand once you've seen everything for yourself.

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