9 Video Game Sequels That Tore Fanbases In Half

7. Fallout 3

fallout 3

Considering how much Fallout 3 appeared to rupture the fabric of space and time to garner another runaway success for Bethesda, that "3" in the title was very telling.

See, Bethesda had acquired the Fallout IP from Interplay. Black Isle Studios - Interplay's RPG division and originators of the series in a top-down fashion with turn-based combat - were working on their Fallout 3 when this happened.

As you can imagine with any stat-focused game that comes with a hyper-detailed lore on PC, Fallout fans were fiercely loyal, and they were NOT happy about the series they adored becoming "Elder Scrolls with guns".

To this day there's a militant portion of Fallout fans that won't touch Bethesda's efforts, instead citing the Wasteland series as what Interplay would go on to make. Wasteland retains the top-down setup of old-school Fallout alongside some incredibly detailed RPG systems.

With Bethesda royally pooping the bed for most of their post-Fallout acquisition efforts, who can blame them for sticking with the real creative geniuses?

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