9 Video Games Banned For Ridiculous Reasons

3. EA Sport MMA Banned In Denmark For Promoting Energy Drink

FemShep Liara
EA Sports/THQ

MMA is pretty brutal. It takes a great amount of conditioning and work to be a professional mixed martial artist, but at the end of the day every fight comes down to who is the best at violence.

Combat sports in general are often looked on in a lower regard than team sports, and it's down to the fact people will pay good money to watch two competitors beat the happiness out of each other.

Violence doesn't come into Denmark's ban on EA Sports MMA though: that's all down to beverages.

MMA relies on a heavy amount of sponsorship from certain energy drink brands. You may have noticed several subtle logos on the octagon, fight shorts, tabards, the cage supports, the very short subliminal messages (that last one may be a lie).

The inclusion of these product placements gives the game a more realistic look, but it does also break a law in Denmark banning the advertising of energy drinks.

Rather than censor out the references, EA decided not to send the game to Denmark and compromise their artistic integrity.

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