9 Video Games Banned For Ridiculous Reasons

2. Injustice: Gods Among Us Banned In The UAE For Because Of Gods

FemShep Liara

First of all the game and its sequel, the astonishingly titled Injustice: Gods Among Us 2, are great. The name(s) of the game(s) are/is a bit stupid. It's a stupid title for a pretty dope game, but the title is very important to some people.

In the United Arab Emirates the game is officially banned, not because the UAE tend to lean more towards Marvel, but because of that word 'Gods' in the title.

There has never been an official reason given - it's mostly speculation from retailers who were told not to stock the game - but the going theory is that the word 'Gods' is taken to refer to pantheism and not recognising one true God.

What's worse is that the game initially proved very popular at Middle East Comic Con before its initial launch, so they gave fans a taste only for the game never to be available to the general public.

Warner Brothers went through the effort of renaming the game The Mighty Among Us for the regional release. They did however neglect to change the disc art where the word Gods was still present, rendering it futile.

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