9 Video Games Banned For Ridiculous Reasons

1. Fallout 3 Banned In Australia For Morphine Abuse

FemShep Liara
Bethesda Softworks

Fallout 3 is heavily edited for the Japanese version. If you've played the game and decided to side with those jerks in Tenpenny Tower, and you have an idea of what Hiroshima is famous for, you can really see why.

It's not banned or censored due to fear that it will cause copycat actions. It's due to its reminding people of an incredibly dark chapter in their history.

For this reason the Japanese edits are sound. The Australian ones, however, are a different story.

Australia initially banned Fallout 3 because of all the morphine. There is so much morphine in Fallout and the fact that it helps the player without any real long term side effects made the Australian government nervous.

Not wanting to portray obvious drug use, they flat out banned the game. Now most people will wonder: 'Why? There's no morphine in Fallout 3.' That's because the ban was lifted when Bethesda changed morphine to Med-X.

The change was pretty easy to make and the decision to give morphine a fictional name to retain the Australian market was a no-brainer. This ban is pretty amazing as a whole fictional product was created just to deal with the issue. It makes one wonder what future edits censorship will bring to the internet.

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