9 Video Games Heroes Who Completely Failed At Their Quest

8. Nathan Drake - Uncharted 4

Uncharted 4
Naughty Dog

Nathan Drake in Uncharted 4 spends pretty much the entire runtime disappointing everyone he loves. After failing to adapt to sweet domesticity, the retired adventurer doesn't take much convincing to hang up his washing-up gloves and whack a pistol on his hip to go searching for a lost pirate treasure.

Yeah, his presumed-dead brother turning up and asking for help ultimately pulled Drake out of retirement, but it's made clear he was actively waiting for a kick just like that to inject some excitement back into his life. He lies to his wife and takes off, fully caught up in the drama that comes with living up to his own legend and not really caring about his own safety or the life he's left at home.

Though Drake's journey to find this pirate treasure is the quest he thinks he's on, it's actually more of an internal quest of maturity and self-realisation. In that sense, his failure to secure any of the gold in the end - and almost die in a sinking ship - meant that he sucked at achieving the former, but did succeed in the latter.

We'd chalk this up to a draw, but this also includes the previous times Drake failed to nab the prize at the end of his journey.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3