9 Video Games Heroes Who Completely Failed At Their Quest
7. Raiden - Metal Gear Solid 2
Both the player and Raiden are taken for a ride in Metal Gear Solid 2. Their mission to stop a bunch of terrorists who are holding the President of the USA to ransom turns out to be a complete lie. Likewise, almost every piece of information they're fed - for instance that the Plant they're in could poison the Manhattan harbour for decades if it sinks - is total fabrication to get them to do as they're told.
Consequently, everyone else you come into contact with - the real heroes like Solid Snake - treat you like a big dumb idiot who's completely out of their depth. Every goal you try to complete is either thwarted or orchestrated by someone else. You disarm Fat Man's bombs, but they were merely a decoy, and part of the plant sinks anyway. You rescue E.E., but she's killed by Vamp. You break into Arsenal Gear, because Snake tricks you and leaves you to be tortured.
And that's just the beginning.
Even when you defeat the villain at the end via a sword fight, it's not exactly a 'victory'. The real bad guys got away, and the 'quest' Raiden finishes resembles nothing of the one he started on.