9 Video Games Heroes Who Completely Failed At Their Quest

5. The Huddle - Inside

inside game

Inside is an abstract game, but it's pretty obvious who's the good guys and who's the bad guys. You play as a young child who infiltrates a dystopian city under totalitarian rule, its populace essentially enslaved by some kind of shady, evil force. As you get deeper into the inner-circles and mysterious laboratories, you find The Huddle, a science experiment made up of a bunch of limbs and pieces of human flesh.

Attempting to free the creature, the player character is sucked into it and takes control of its destructive force. The final sequence sees you smash through the lab and anyone in your path, eventually breaking out to freedom, rolling down a hill until you hit the coastline. Again, the plot itself is barely explained, but the ending image is hopeful; you've broken this creature free from oppressive control.

However, this resolution might not be as idyllic as it appears. That's because when you're wreaking havoc in the lab, there's a miniature of a scene the scientists are studying in an observation unit you smash through. A scene which mimics exactly the final image of the game.

Put two and two together, and there's a good chance that 'freedom' you've acquired is anything but...


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3