9 Video Games Nobody Wants To Admit Have Aged Terribly

1. GoldenEye 64

goldeneye 007 proximity mines

Goldeneye 64 is often regarded as the defining game in the genre of first-person shooters and for the most part, it is. But it is absolutely terrible to play today. The aiming on the N64 controller is painfully bad, the hit boxes can be way off, the rendering distance can mean that enemies outside the viewable draw distance can kill you and it handles terribly.

You need a fan remastered copy with a plugin that allows you to use a mouse and keyboard to make the game as great as it once was, but the N64 version has fallen far from grace. Even in saying that, shooters have come a long way and the mechanics can feel a little outdated.

It's easy to appreciate it for what it is, but trying to play the N64 version of the game is a mistake. The remastered version is excellent, but the hoops you have to jump through to play are insane. The original game has straight-up decayed over time, and is not worth the effort to try and play again if you don't have suitable nostalgic incentive.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.