9 Video Games Nobody Wants To Admit Have Aged Terribly

2. Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider
Crystal Dynamics

Tomb Raider defined a genre and managed to do so much at the time. It was one of the best platformers, a great action game and had looked great for the time around which it was released. it is a classic video game and has defined the medium as a whole and will go down as one of the pillars of gaming. But it's not done well for itself...

Playing today is one of the toughest and most obtuse gaming experiences you can have. The controls are some of the most bizarre around, and Lara handles like she's a minecart. The game also struggles with its depth perception and timing, with some of the intended jumps in the game appearing to be impossible despite being totally doable once you fling yourself in their general direction.

Not to mention the glaring problem of the game having very few save points and an unrelenting difficulty resulting in each level taking an incredible amount of patience. It's understandable that these mechanics are relics of the past, but they in the modern gaming climate, they are painful to bear.

It will remain as one of the titans of gaming history, but its age has claimed its charm.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.