9 Video Games Nobody Wants To Admit Have Aged Terribly

3. Hitman: Silent Assassin

Hitman 2 Silent Assassin
IO Interactive

Silent Assassin is often regarded as one of the best Hitman games, second only to Blood Money, but trying to pick it up and play today can be... impossible. Trying to play it as a stealth game - the genre that the game is most famous for - is extremely difficult.

Not only does Agent 47 handle horribly, he's so slow that a mobility scooter would be more efficient. Trying to sneak up behind someone and garrote them going at the speed that the continents are shifting is infuriating. Not to mention the fact that if you mess it up and get spotted, you are absolutely screwed when it comes to maintaining a low-key feel.

To that end, it's often more beneficial to just shoot your way through the problems. Disguises only work if you don't stand near people, but if you're trying to move past someone, almost anyone, then your movement speed alone can also get you caught instantly.

Hitman 2 is great when you get the levels that benefit its mechanics, but as a whole, it's not nearly as good as we all remember.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.