9 Video Games That Definitely Exist

7. Abandoned

Abandoned Game
Blue Box Game Studios

The game that only lived up to its name more as time passed, this absolutely-not-Hideo-Kojima-and-never-was survival horror had all of us going across the pandemic.

Developed by Blue Box Studios, themselves responsible for a wave of games that subsist on announcements with nothing to show for it in the end, lead creative Hasan Kahraman scored a series of high-profile interviews with NME, IGN, Last Stand Media and more.

In them... he had nothing to say, because there was nothing to show.

The Game Awards' Geoff Keighley appeared to support a title that might eventually release, and a date was announced for when the public would get their hands on a PT-like playable demo, only for it to be a bizarrely empty launcher for a teaser that was already shown.

Since then, nothing of any remote substance has appeared to justify Abandoned's existence, and following Kahraman's appearance on Colin Moriarty's Sacred Symbols podcast, Kahraman himself admitted he's done a terrible job of representing himself, and his supposed "game".

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