9 Video Games That Definitely Exist

8. Perfect Dark

Perfect Dark

Xbox's first "AAAA game" - a label that means nothing at this point, when even triple-A titles can't release with stable frame rates - Perfect Dark's reboot is in development hell, coming from a mix of being handled by an all-new team, The Initiative, and a lifespan so far beset by staff departures.

Video Games Chronicle reports a number of issues surrounding just what a "new Perfect Dark" even looks like in 2023, or across the newest generation, and it's a question those bringing it together are failing to answer.

There's been mention of "spy fighting" as a gameplay style, body-cams and visceral first-person action, but all we've got to go off publicly is a CG teaser from The Game Awards in 2020.

Another line from VGC's tell-all writeup highlights a team size of around 50 people, as of March 2022, with The Initiative partnering with Crystal Dynamics, in an attempt to get something over the finish line, or to at least show fans.

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