9 Video Games That Definitely Exist

3. Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time Remake

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake

Prince of Persia's revitalised 2000s run was a thing of beauty and raw marketing whims combined. A beautiful, faithful original instalment gave way to a 2000s af, Godsmack-backed nu-metal sequel I personally loved, but that divided the fanbase. In vogue by the time Two Thrones came around was stealth mechanics, so Ubisoft attempted to pivot once again, only to bury the IP altogether.

2008's cel-shaded revival was a great game, but no one wanted it, and 2010's Forgotten Sands very much lived up to its name.

Ubisoft finally gave up trying, cancelling an in-development instalment, until September 2020, when a disastrously-received remake of that original, pure, faithful Prince of Persia went down like the Hindenburg.

Meant to be releasing the following January, Sands of Time's remake has instead been restarted, with development shifted from new studio Ubisoft Mumbai, over to veterans Ubisoft Montreal.

The change scuppered Ubi's plans to revitalise the IP with a remake before pivoting into the INCREDIBLE-looking Lost Crown, and it makes you wonder if Sands of Time's redux ever makes it out.

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